
The world at your fingertips

Newsgroups have been around for a long time now and are intended as a place for discussions using text messages. XLned gives you access to these newsgroups, which together are also known as Usenet. A subscription to XLned offers the following advantages:

Access Usenet safely and quickly using SSL

XLned has built its own secure implementation of SSL in its server software. This gives you the opportunity to, in addition to the normal connections, use a secure connection. This will make it impossible to others, such as your Internet provider, to intercept or inspect the content of your messages. Therefore, your actions on Usenet are hidden from third parties, so your privacy is guaranteed. In addition to this, SSL makes it harder for Internet providers to slow down your connection. Often providers give Usenet traffic less priority in the busy hours, but by using SSL this will be a lot harder and you'll get the speed you've paid for!

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

XLned doesn't know any limits concerning the times you can access Usenet. Our service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We ensure you that there is always sufficient capacity, so every moment of the day you can get the most out of your connection. This way we can be sure that we are never the cause of a slower connection. In case of maintenance - which is unavoidable - we'll inform you well in advance so you're always aware of the fact our service will be temporary unavailable. Moreover, we try to keep the inconvenience at a minimum level by doing such maintenance early in the morning.

Read and post messages at the same time

Any subscription at XLned offers you the possibility to put messages on Usenet. However, if you would do this with your normal connection, you divide your connections between reading and posting, which can slow down your connection. XLned has a separate upload server, allowing you to simultaneously post and read with your maximum of connections. This way you can read messages while you're posting messages for others, without slowing down the reading of messages and dividing your connections to the server between posting and reading!

Get more out of your internet connection

With XLned you get more out of your connection. No limitations on your usage of Usenet and no overload at peak hours. In short, we offer you access to Usenet in a way as access to Usenet should be!

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